Huskify Product LabelsApp Documentation
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01. Overview

Product Labels app allow Merchants can setup labels for products in thier store, it helps Merchants can create and customize labels in thier store, They can create label for products like Hot, Sale, Descount, New...
Merchants can create and customzie lable for:
- Create Nornally Label like Hot, New, Sale, Discount...
- Create Label For Sale (the label only display in sale product in a same page)
- Create Label to Show Discount Number for proudct automatically. (For example: Product A: Discount 5%, Product: Discount 15%)
- Create Label to show Sold Out Product (Label will apply for sold out prouducts only)

2. Configure Label
2.1. Add Label

You can upload Label from PC or Select Sample Media

- In the App Left menu, Click to Manage Labels => Add Label

In the setting tab, Enter information and Upload Label

Select Condition For label in the Condition Tab

Change Position and Style in the Style Tab, After Configure Label, Click To Save

2.2. Add Banner

- Go to Manage Banners by click to Manage Banners on left Sidebar menu:

- Add Banner Button On top Right Corner

- Enter Banner information and upload banner to the form and Click Save

2.3. Sales pop-up

Go to Manage Sales Pop-ups by click to Manage Sales Pop-ups on Left Sidebar Memu

Click To Add Sales pop-up Button on Top Right Corner

Enter information, upload Icon for sale Pop-ups and click to Save button in the top right corner

2.4. Add Background

Merchants can upload thier Background to use for Custom text in Custom Label

Go to Manage Backgrounds by click to Manage Backgrounds on Left Sidebar Memu

Click To Add Background Button on Top Right Corner

Enter information and upload image From your PC and click Save

2.5. Add Template

Merchants can add template to use for Custom Label

Go to Manage Templates by click to Manage Templates on Left Sidebar Memu

Click To Add Template Button on Top Right Corner

Enter information To the form and click Next Button

In the Template Design area, You can select Background, Add text or Upload Custom image for Template

Select Background:

Add Text and Custom Font, Size, Color, and text style. Click To "Save" Button After complete Design Template

2.5. Assign Labels To Products

You can assign label to products, collection, tags( in Premium Plan), You can use your label, your tempates, sample label or sample templates

Click to APB Product Labels => Assign Labels To Products

Select Product, Collection Or Tag

Click To Icon Edit

Select Position for label (Top left, Top Right, Botton Left, Button Right, Custom)

Select Label, You Can select Label from:

  • - Your Label (Label Upload from Manage Labels)
  • - Your Template (Template that you added from Manage Templates, You can Custom Template before assigning produc)
  • - Sample Label
  • - Sample Template ( You can Custom Template before assigning product)

Each Label You can Will include options: (You can see preview label on Main Right Image)

  • - Width: Width of label ( Percent with main image)
  • - Height: Height of label ( Percent with main image)
    • + Default: This is Normaly Label
    • + Sold Out: Will display on sold out product
    • + Sale: Wil display in Product Have Discount
    • + Special Label: ( only in Premium Plan) It will show discount value as Number disocunt Value of Pecent
  • - Display type: Select Page, To display label, Default is All
  • Display type:
    • + Origin Image Size ( recommended)
    • + Scale With Product Image (Label Size will Scale with size of Product Image)
  • Display page: Select Page to Display Label
    • + All Page
    • + Product Page
    • + Home Page
    • + Collection Page
    • + Search Page
    • + Other Page
  • - Display in Sold Out: Select Yes, If you want to label display in sold out product
  • - Priority: if a product has 2 or more label in the same position, label with height more Priority will be displayed

Option For Special Label: (Only available on Premium Plan)

  • - Display Sale Type
    • + Amount: Display Discount as Number: for example: Price = 200, After Discount: 180, it will be display discount value is 20
    • + Percent: Display Discount in Lable as Percent: Price = 200, After Discount: 180, We will display discount in lable is 10%
  • - Prefix Text Discount: Enter Prefix before discount value, for example: -, off, sale...
  • - Margin X: Set Position follow Horizontal for discount value with label: For example, if label position is top Right, You can set Marigin right 1%
  • - Margin Y: Set Position follow vertical: For Example: Marigin Top: 1%
  • - Font Size: Set Font size for discount value
  • - Font Weight: Set Font Weight to Discount value (for example, 200,300)
  • - Change Color: You can change color for Discount Value

After Assigning label for product, You can click save

3. Configure Storefont
3.1. Enable embeds Block

In the App Dashboard, Click to the button Enable App embeds To online Store

Click Save button in the top right corner

If you are using customize theme, Class in the embeds block maybe different, You can contact to email [email protected] or whatsapp number (+84)913718933. We will support you.

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